I am attempting to develop a website using tailwind and elm-default-tailwind-modules. The first step for me is to learn tailwind. The way I’m doing that is by porting example tailwind layouts to Elm. The result, so far, has some inconsistencies. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I used html-to-elm.com (props to Dillon Kearns for the great tool!) to convert the Dark nav with white page header example. I compared the generated classes between Elm and the original, and they appear to be consistent. I’ve attached screenshots comparing the “vanilla” HTML output vs that generated from Elm. They are largely the same, except spacing and fonts differ for reasons I cannot determine.
At the top of that stylesheet, there’s a comment that says:
Use like this in your CSS:
:root { font-family: 'Inter', sans-serif; }
@supports (font-variation-settings: normal) {
:root { font-family: 'Inter var', sans-serif; }
Thanks, @lydell! That got me a step closer. The font looks better but the styling still looks off. Is my understanding correct that I shouldn’t need to install and include tailwindcss with my project because elm-default-tailwind-modules implements all the CSS classes found in the default tailwind stylesheet? I found an Elm function for each tailwind class, and the documentation led me to the same conclusion. It should be enough that I use the Elm functions.
What I notice that still differs:
The text is underlined
The border is missing around the profile dropdown
The content doesn’t stretch all the way from one side to the other