What is the Elm 0.19 equivalent of Navigation.modifyUrl

There is a portion of my page that is being managed by Elm. It handles some filtering. When the filters change, I want to modify the current URL of the page (so filter state is remembered if someone bookmarks the page, for instance).

In Elm 0.18, I used Navigation.modifyUrl and it worked great. It doesn’t look so straightforward in 0.19. In 0.19, it looks like these sorts of methods are only available if I create a Browser.application. However, creating a whole application seems to mean that I’m handing the entire page over to Elm and I don’t want to do that. The portion that is managed by Elm is a tiny fraction of the page and I don’t want to figure out how to move all of the other code (that is server-generated) into Elm.

Is it possible to create a Browser.application that doesn’t take over the whole page? Is there a way to use the Browser.Navigation methods outside of an application?

Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.

The suggested solution is using ports. See more details and a explanation here: https://github.com/elm/browser/blob/master/notes/navigation-in-elements.md

Thanks Laurin. Bummer this feature was removed in Elm 0.19. I don’t think I’ve ever worked on a SPA where at least some of the page wasn’t generated by the server and not the client.

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