Authoring Webcomponents in Elm

I’ve seen the examples of how to use web-components from Elm, but are there any guides on authoring web-components in Elm? I’m just starting to grasp this so excuse me if this is a totally stupid question, but I’ve seen things like lit-element out there and I’m wondering if its possible to write-webcomponents/custom elements in Elm that are meant to be produced by applications which might be written in React, Angular, Vue, or no framework at all?


Could this help?


This looks like a good starting point. Thanks.

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Had a go at this but it was a while back so on Elm 0.18. I also tried to build on top of Polymer web-components, which may not have been the best way to do it. In the end I decided it was a lot of hassle for unclear gains - but you might find otherwise.

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