Block falling game

Hi guys, I did this simple block falling game in Elm back then as a learning project. The goal is to end up without any blocks in the game. You simply double click sections of block to remove them.

First step in the game is entering the seed you want to use (entering the same value over again would always lead to the same game pattern).

It includes some interesting concepts such as a grid. Tell me what you think!


I have other simple projects such as a Game of life and a maze on my website that all uses grids if you’re interested. Here:

After seeing this post here I thought that it might be interesting!

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I’m color blind. I have problems seeing the green and the yellow squares. The easiest fix is to make one of the two darker (for example make green #b1e4b7). Generally, if you want to support color blindness, then turn your screen to gray-scale and check if you can still play the game.

Anyway, I liked your game. It was quite fun :wink:


i like it.

It includes some interesting concepts such as a grid. Tell me what you think!

This is from the point of view of a new user:

  • A sentence of the game’s instructions on the game itself would be very handy: otherwise the user (myself) will be confused as to what to do. it took a good 20 seconds for me to work it out in the end.
  • Users will likely just want to play the game straight away - in my experience the user won’t care about the seed, and they’ll just want to play. Eliminate or randomize the seed and show them the game!

I’d be interested in seeing your grids implemenation.

Might needs a label such as “Level” on the seed then. I prefer to leave it there so you can replay the same level again.

Yeah one sentence should be great to explain, it would definitely helps players understand what has to be done.

Looks fun, very pretty, but I’m also colour blind. Super Puzzle Fighter has the exact same problem, with the same colours, so I took a walk down memory lane to when I used to get frustrated with that as a teenager! Good times! :smiley:

This might be helpful/relevant:

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