Elm 0.19 upgrade party (online) πŸŽ‰ Nov 17th

After finishing my 13-hour livestream series on upgrading elm-html-test for Elm 0.19, I was ready to celebrate :slight_smile:, so I organized a last-minute event on my twitch stream tomorrow morning (Saturday, November 17th, 9am-noon PST / noon-3pm EST / 5pm-8pm GMT).

I’m gonna be working on upgrading some remaining packages to Elm 0.19 (like elm-program-test, elm-dropbox, elm-beautiful-example, elm-debug-controls, and maybe a few others). I’ve also got several special guests lined up to do demos, interviews, and pair programming.

My hope is that others who have been putting off upgrading some of their projects to Elm 0.19 will tune in to hang out with us, and we can all help each other out through any problems we encounter while upgrading. (And if you miss the stream tomorrow, you can always get help in Elm slack in the #upgrading channel.) Also, if you’re interested in helping upgrade community packages and don’t know which ones to help with, tune in and we can help you find one.

Full event schedule: https://avh4.github.io/elm19upgradeparty/
Link to the stream: https://twitch.tv/avh4


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