The elm-conf organizing team is excited to announce elm-conf 2020! This July 15–17 we’ll be hosting three days of talks, workshops, and open spaces, completely online. Everyone is welcome; join us from the comfort of your own home!
You can get tickets at The price will go up once we announce speakers, so get in now for the early bird price!
Our call for proposals is open now through June 1st. In addition to 25-minute talks, this year we’re soliciting proposals for 2- and 4-hour workshops and open spaces (time for discussions and hacking/mobbing.) You can get more details on all of that in the links in this paragraph!
As in previous years, we’ll give feedback on all proposals submitted by one week before the June 1st deadline (May 25th.) We’re also reserving several speaking slots for first-time speakers. If you’ve always wanted to give a talk but felt intimidated, let us help you! We’ll match first time speakers with 1-on-1 time with a speaking coach and a speaking mentor from the community. Just make sure to let us know you’re a first-time speaker on the form when you submit your talk(s).
And since I know we’re gonna get this question: you can submit as many talks as you want. Speaking personally, I’ve had a lot of success submitting what I considered to be a “safe” talk to a conference, as well as several ideas I thought would be less likely to be accepted. More often than not, the organizers accepted the ones I really wanted to give but thought less likely.
In addition to two days of talks and workshops, on July 15th we will be hosting an online Elm Bridge. If you’re a member of an underrepresented group in tech and would like to learn some Elm, we’d love for you to attend! Email introducing yourself and why you’d like to attend (doesn’t have to be long!) If you go to Elm Bridge, we’ll also give you a free ticket to the rest of the conference.
We also need volunteers to help run the workshop, so if you’ve been involved in an Elm Bridge before and would like to help out, please email saying so.
Finally, thank you to everyone who attended and spoke at elm-conf our first four years when we were a part of Strange Loop. We couldn’t have made it so far without your help.