I’ve been struggling to create a simple single page website (app) in elm. I’ve had people try to help on the slack channel but it’s not benefited me much so I thought I’ll ask here hoping for more helpful pointers and guidance.
So I need a single html document say index.html with four navigation menus Home
, About
, Services
and Contact
. The page will have 4 HTML sections one for each menu item. When I select a menu option, I expect to be taken to that section of the document (page). Also if I scroll the document instead, I expect the corresponding menu option to be highlighted in some way (say underline) to match the section of the scroll position.
With these requirements I used the example app from the Elm guide - Web Apps - section. I then changed the View to this:
view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg
view model =
{ title = "URL Interceptor"
, body =
[ text "The current URL is: "
, b [] [ text (Url.toString model.url) ]
, ul []
[ viewLink "#home"
, viewLink "#about"
, viewLink "#services"
, viewLink "#contactus"
, div [ id "home"]
[ p [] [ text "\n Section Text"]]
, div [ id "about"]
[ p [] [ text "\n Section Text"]]
, div [ id "services"]
[ p [] [ text "\n Section Text"]]
, div [ id "contactus"]
[ p [] [ text "\n Section Text"]]
My understanding so far is, I have to use a parser
, in this case a fragment parser like this:
type alias Docs =
(String, Maybe String)
docsParser : Parser (Docs -> a) a
docsParser =
map Tuple.pair (string </> fragment identity)
From here what I think I need to do, is us a Case expression in the view to render the particular section that has an id
matching the docsParser
If I’m right so far what will such a code look like? On the other hand what am I not getting and how do I implement this?
As for the menu option changing the match the scroll position in the document, I’ve not gotten there yet so I don’t have any implementation steps for that yet.