Skinney/murmur3 not downloading

It looks like there’s some discussion of work arounds on Slack as well. I’m copying the content of this message from turbo_mack (with some edits for weird formatting issues)

Some of you who depend on great work of @Robin might experience some issues due to package.elm not liking the fact he changed his name on Github. While this issue is being resolved you can use this workaround to make CircleCI pass:

# within home
$ cd $HOME

# create tarball of ~/.elm
$ tar -czvf elm-cache.tar.gz .elm

# copy tarball to project
$ cp elm-cache.tar.gz my-project/directory

# commit tarball

in our case we use circle-ci but it should be easy to port

      - run:
          name: patch cache
          command: |
            tar -xzf elm-cache.tar.gz
            mv -f .elm $HOME/.elm

The important parts are these two commands:

tar -czvf elm-cache.tar.gz ~/.elm       # create tarball
tar -xzf elm-cache.tar.gz               # unpack taraball

Any CI system could probably make a work around with some form of these commands.