I see the following stack trace after building my elm project:
Some new packages are needed. Here is the upgrade plan.
Bogdanp/elm-combine 3.1.1
NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline 3.0.1
Skinney/murmur3 2.0.6
coreytrampe/elm-vendor 2.0.3
elm-community/lazy-list 1.0.0
elm-community/random-extra 2.0.0
elm-community/shrink 2.0.0
elm-community/undo-redo 2.0.0
elm-lang/core 5.1.1
elm-lang/dom 1.1.1
elm-lang/html 2.0.0
elm-lang/http 1.0.0
elm-lang/keyboard 1.0.1
elm-lang/lazy 2.0.0
elm-lang/mouse 1.0.1
elm-lang/navigation 2.1.0
elm-lang/virtual-dom 2.0.4
evancz/elm-markdown 3.0.2
evancz/url-parser 2.0.1
ir4y/elm-dnd 2.0.0
krisajenkins/remotedata 4.5.0
rtfeldman/elm-css 14.0.0
rtfeldman/elm-css-util 1.0.2
rtfeldman/hex 1.0.0
thebritican/elm-autocomplete 4.0.3
Do you approve of this plan? [Y/n] y
Starting downloads...
ÔŚĆ coreytrampe/elm-vendor 2.0.3
ÔŚĆ NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline 3.0.1
ÔťŚ Skinney/murmur3 2.0.6
ÔŚĆ Bogdanp/elm-combine 3.1.1
ÔŚĆ elm-lang/html 2.0.0
ÔŚĆ elm-lang/lazy 2.0.0
ÔŚĆ elm-community/lazy-list 1.0.0
ÔŚĆ elm-community/undo-redo 2.0.0
ÔŚĆ elm-lang/virtual-dom 2.0.4
ÔŚĆ rtfeldman/elm-css-util 1.0.2
ÔŚĆ ir4y/elm-dnd 2.0.0
ÔŚĆ elm-community/random-extra 2.0.0
ÔŚĆ elm-lang/http 1.0.0
ÔŚĆ evancz/elm-markdown 3.0.2
ÔŚĆ elm-lang/mouse 1.0.1
ÔŚĆ elm-lang/core 5.1.1
ÔŚĆ elm-community/shrink 2.0.0
ÔŚĆ krisajenkins/remotedata 4.5.0
ÔŚĆ rtfeldman/hex 1.0.0
ÔŚĆ elm-lang/dom 1.1.1
ÔŚĆ evancz/url-parser 2.0.1
ÔŚĆ elm-lang/keyboard 1.0.1
ÔŚĆ elm-lang/navigation 2.1.0
ÔŚĆ thebritican/elm-autocomplete 4.0.3
Error: The folÔŚĆlowing HTTP rtfeldman/elm-css 14.0.0
request failed.
404: Not Found
I saw this post: Skinney/murmur3 not downloading but there the issue is solved only for elm 0.19.0. Any ideas how can I make it work for 0.18.0?