Following a discussion about namespaces from another topic, I was wondering about the current state of conflicting exposed modules in elm 0.19.
So to have a better picture of the conflicts currently present in the packages repository, I made a quick script and the results are here:
We get the following numbers:
- 566 elm 0.19 packages found
- 1491 unique exposed modules names found
- 189 conflicting modules found (around 13% of unique exposed modules names)
Those are actually often forked packages, pre-releases or very similar packages so I cleaned it up a little with the following (quite arbitrary) rules to have a better picture of the potential real-world issues (as it would be quite unexpected to use several at once, except maybe for testing or when transitioning):
- ignore conflicting module when all packages are from the same author
- ignore conflicting module when packages have almost the same name
- ignore Bootstrap or Bulma packages
I get the following list:
"Base64": [
"Color": [
"Color.Convert": [
"Color.Interpolate": [
"Color.Manipulate": [
"Csv": [
"DatePicker": [
"Diff": [
"Dropdown": [
"Force": [
"Form.Input": [
"Grid": [
"Matrix": [
"OrderedDict": [
"Plot": [
"Rating": [
"Tree": [
"Tree.Zipper": [
"Validate": [
"Validation": [
I don’t have myself a conclusion yet, feel free to comment.
Here is the full modules list if you want to process it:
PS: these lists are only about packages exposed modules. I’m not sure if packages internal modules can also conflict, does anyone know?