For those who don’t know Exercism, it’s a project aiming at helping you learn other programming languages with exercises. It features a mentorship model which unfortunately is a little unbalanced (not enough mentors). So a redesign of the core functionalities is ongoing, in partnership with academics. They are launching their first research experiment and asking for tracks (languages) willing to participate. More details on their blog post.
I would be interested in Elm participating but I might not have the time right now to handle it. Let me know if you want to manage this. I can keep you in the loop. Familiarity with the current Exercism model is required in my opinion so you might first try the website as a student, then mentor, and submit a PR to the track to understand the behind the scenes. This might already take a few days.
I mentor on the elm channel on exercism, and I think its a great service. The elm students do usually get mentored in a reasonable time frame, although I believe its not the case for all languages. Anyway, I would be happy to help out with the research.