Does elm-vim support 0.19? I just got syntax on and automatic indentation, nothing more…
I’ve done all installations of elm0.19, oracle and test. All status in vim-plug are ok and up to date.
Ale is working fine with Elm 0.19 and I guess elm-vim provides syntax highlighting.
But I would also recommend going with the elm-language-server@razze and @antew are working on. It’s early and still in development, but already looking good. Join Elm Slack #vim and #language-server if you have trouble with setup.
There is a pull request that fixing the issue with :elm-make.
It is not merged yet.
I already tested his branch and it does working.
You should also use his branch if you still want to use elm-vim.
And also don’t forget to make a comment to the pull request if it does help. Hopefully the author will merge it soon.