I don’t think it’s fixable by a setting, I will create a hotfix as soon as I’m home.
I foolishly thought, that “space” would be a good commit character. It worked fine in cases where you actually want to pick a completion, but I guess I didn’t test the cases where you “just want to type”.
Okay, thanks. I remember I had a similar problem with VSCode completions in general, in that ‘Return’ chose from the list of selections, but I actually just wanted to add a new line and found that difficult often enough that I changed a setting so that completions were accepted via ‘tab’ rather than ‘tab or return’.
It would be even better if there could be color here, so as to match the terminal errors (at the moment the highlighted text is rendered with #, as visible in the screenshot). I imagine it’s a VSCode limitation, but if not I’d be willing to investigate it!
It is indeed a vscode limitation. But if your willing to look into it, I guess having vscode updated and then the language server spec would be what needs to happen.