Measuring cognitive complexity with elm-review

I just published a new elm-review package and rule.

I hope you find it useful!


Very useful! I made the following addition to scripts.yaml the configuration file for velociraptor, the script runner I use:


  complexity: npx elm-review --template jfmengels/elm-review-cognitive-complexity/example --rules CognitiveComplexity

  cloc: cloc --by-file src

Then I can just say vr complexity.

I tried this on two projects – a parser project and my spreadsheet library. The first passed, the second failed on one function with a complexity of 23. I entirely agree with elm-review’s findings for the second project and look forward to some refactoring. I was suprised, but gratified, that the first project passed the complexity project.

I plan on using the complexity review on a regular basis.

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I would recommend not using --template in your scripts though. Under the hood it’s using the GitHub HTTP API to fetch the rule’s source files, and unfortunately that gets rate limited, so you will at some point get temporarily blocked :sweat_smile:

Instead, I’d recommend creating a review configuration :slight_smile:

I ran this on our code today and we have at least one function with a complexity of over 300. :grimacing:


Nice addition!

I wonder how valuable would be to generate a report about the cognitive complexity of an entire project with some brake down data like, for example:

  • Average project complexity
  • Complexity by module
  • Top complex functions
  • etc.
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I have a proposal to make it possible for elm-review rules to extract data from the project, in order to make reports or other cool things. So if you’d want this, I think this proposal would be the way to go about it.

Do you mean the complexity of all functions in a project? I imagine it’s going to be very low, because a lot of the functions have a complexity of less than two.
Or do you mean the average complexity of projects in the ecosystem? Harder to compute obvisouly, but again, I don’t see it as really useful. I doubt you’d be pushed towards anything actionable.

SonarSource does this (as you can see in this talk), where in their interface they allow sorting directories/files by total complexity (I don’t remember if they allow for sorting functions by complexity, but you can kind of do that by tweaking the limit).

I think this allows you to kind of know where in the codebase you could focus your attention to make code simpler, but I don’t know whether in practice this will be useful. You might very well look at a lot of functions that are complex because they somewhat need to be complex.

Maybe you’ll be looking at a file with a complexity of 700 spread over 200 individual functions and focus on that, when there is a file with complexity 500 spread over 2 functions.

It could be useful, but I fear you’ll spend your time looking at a lot of β€œfalse positives”: files that look like they should be refactored where in practice it’s not needed. But I might be wrong, I’d be curious to know :slight_smile:


I like the reports of [elm-coverage] (GitHub - zwilias/elm-coverage: Explorations) where the functions are sorted by cyclomatic complexity (which is also explained in the initial post) and you get metrics per-module.

It does not give overall metrics, though.

The goal is not to condense that information down into a single metric. It is too easy to write tests that don’t make meaningful assertions about your code and its behaviour, but only serve to increase the coverage.

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I like scc, which allows you to get reports like this:

gampleman@MacBook-Pro elm-review-unused % scc --by-file src
Language                 Files     Lines   Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
Elm                         11      6992     1353       657     4982        327
src/NoUnused/Variables.elm          1683      301        86     1296         90
~ed/CustomTypeConstructors.elm      1263      231       110      922         72
src/NoUnused/Patterns.elm            710      136        54      520         30
src/NoUnused/Exports.elm             673      140        39      494         37
~src/NoUnused/Dependencies.elm       618      105        40      473         25
~CustomTypeConstructorArgs.elm       616      112        63      441         32
src/NoUnused/Parameters.elm          555      134        50      371         24
~used/Patterns/NameVisitor.elm       475      118        94      263          9
src/NoUnused/Modules.elm             228       47        38      143          7
~src/NoUnused/NonemptyList.elm       125       14        83       28          1
src/NoUnused/RangeDict.elm            46       15         0       31          0
Total                       11      6992     1353       657     4982        327
Estimated Cost to Develop $145,837
Estimated Schedule Effort 6.617354 months
Estimated People Required 1.957946
Processed 239910 bytes, 0.240 megabytes (SI)

Very useful indeed! I’d love to see something like scc but with both measures of complexity side-by-side.

On a more humorous note – how is the estimate of time and money arrived at? I just tried this out on an open-source project that I’ve spent about 7 full-time days on. scc estimates that it would take 0.992694 people 4.364021 months to accomplish this at a cost of $48,762. LOL! I think that scc might be padding the books :nerd_face:

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Yeah I would suggest that the time estimates might be fairly off, although for much larger projects I’ve seen more realistic numbers.

But I also suspect that the model it uses is probably devised for something like C, where perhaps you would spend a lot more time debugging a similarly complex piece of code.

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