Nvim and autocompletion

hi i have installed elmls and i can see via LspInfo command that it is started it is able to find correct project root but i can’t seem to make auto completion to work . i’m using nvim-lspconfig and node 20.10

have anyone had success with setting up auto completion in neovim?

yes, i use it with coq_nvim. Here is my settings if that can help : config/dotfiles/.config/nvim/lua/lsp_config.lua at master · dtrckd/config · GitHub

What plugin do you use for auto completion ?

i’m using nvim-cmp with cmp-nvim-lsp

and here is my configuration for elmls:

	elmls = {
		cmd = { "elm-language-server" },
		filetypes = { "elm" },
		init_options = {
			elmAnalyseTrigger = "change",
			elmFormatPath = "elm-format",
			elmPath = "elm",
			elmTestPath = "elm-test"
		root_dir = lspconfig.util.root_pattern("elm.json")

to be clear this does not work for auto completion

thank you for the link, but unfortunately it doesn’t work for my case

it turns out that server was installed via mason.nvim and updating to latest version of mason solved my issue

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