This has the consequence that only people who come to discourse frequently can participate in discussions? That seems rather exclusionary to more casual elm users?
Hi @elmdev this was decided in the early days of this discourse. The main idea is that long threads tend to drift from the initial subject. And if a long time passes since something was discussed, it is better to start a new thread with a summary of the past than to just revive an old post.
Now this discourse has paced down since there is less activity in Elm these days until the path for the next version gets clearer I guess. Maybe you could ask @brian or some other maintainer if it could be changed to 20 days to allow for people to have at least 2 weekends before closing a thread.
As a point of reference, the Rust discourse does the same thing but after 90 days (ex. Why did package build fail but test succeed - #5 by system - code review - The Rust Programming Language Forum).
I agree that increasing the number (to 90 for example) will benefits the community. Especially that the problem here is not that of overposting.
What do think the moderation/admin team about that ? @ElmModerationTeam
If you want to start a new discussion on an old topic, you can include a link to the original discussion at the start of your new post (or even link to a particular post within it)? I find that works well enough.
Agreed. Conversation is so slow here that overposting isn’t an issue. I only check once a month maybe, I think other folks are similar, so the ability to comment on things at least 30 days old seems warranted to me.
I too feel this is a rather unfortunate rule.
Closing after 90 days would be much better IMO
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