I have an Elm app that has been running in production for a few years and it uses elm-ui. Now Im planning on updating the UI and I would like to use one of the many Elm frameworks like El-Ui-widgets.
I can see that elm-ui hasn’t been updated since last time I was working on my app.
I really enjoyed working with elm-ui but am wondering if there is any new kids on the block that is recommended instead?
Elm-Ui-Widgets im currently not sure if I want to recommend. It is still working, but im not planning on updating it - So if something is missing, you will have to implement it yourself. (However, i will gladly merge any interesting sounding MR)
Personally, I went back to plain old elm/html. I was using elm-css for a while, but then felt like the added type safety does not really give me anything, so I dropped it. (Also as a sidenote: @ryannhg/css-in-elm - npm is really nice, if you have an existing stylesheet)
elm-ui has been my go-to library for making view functions. Just as good today as it was when I started using it some years ago.
I’ve started two major projects in the last six months. Both use elm-ui.
I’m not aware of something I’d rather switch to … but part of this is personal taste & working style. elm-ui fits well with the way I think about things.
I’ve heard a rumor that Matt Griffith has been working on a new version.
Since 2020 I use only elm-ui for my own projects, still very relevant.
And v2 is being developed on a different branch, and discussed on discord “Incremental Elm”.
There’s no framework that I know of. Guidelines wise check out the Responsiveness section of Element - elm-ui 1.1.8
My approach would be to pattern match on the DeviceClass and Orientation types and then adjust your view as appropriate. Sometimes this might mean creating a whole new view for Phone, Portrait, other times simply changing the container from a column to a row. It all depends on your own specific requirements.
That’s the Elm-UI advice and AFAIK it hasn’t changed. I’ve created custom drop downs when I really wanted one in the past, and I think there may be packages for them, but usually there is a better, more user-friendly way of obtaining the required information from the user.