Upgrading v18 to 19 - Recommended Path

New to elm. I have a small kata done in Elm, want to move it to 19. What’s the recommended path?

  • for the binary, I assume most use Homebrew to install elm which installs v19 (brew install elm)
  • I see the manual steps option
  • I see elm-upgrade

There is no html in my v18 project.

What has been your experience with the manual vs. elm-upgrade?

I installed Elm on my Mac using the standard installer: https://guide.elm-lang.org/install.html

Before doing that, I backed up /usr/local/bin/elm* to /usr/local/bin/elm-0.18/.

I used npm install -g elm-ugrade and npm install -g elm-test@beta to get elm-upgrade and elm-test.

I always start with elm-upgrade, then do what’s necessary to make it build again by hand. Usually it just works after that, but sometimes it takes a little more work, especially if I have to work around a feature that was removed by 0.19.

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